Situated behind the Stamford Grand Hotel and at the mouth of Moseley Square, 2 Jetty Road, Glenelg is a prime retail tenancy only metres away from the beach.
- 125 square metres* approximately
- Street frontage and internal lobby access
- Ideal for retail, office or cafe and restaurant operators
Part of Glenelg's famous Stamford Grand Hotel, Tenancy 2-3 is suited to a diverse range of businesses with services for retail, office and hospitality users. Comprising 125 square metres with multiple shopfronts to the street and internally to hotel foot traffic, the tenancy offers opportunities to collaborate with Stamford Hotel to increase traffic and trade.
As one of the sole tenancies in such close proximity to the esplanade and with exposure to both Moseley Square and the Stamford Grand, we are encouraging all interested parties to promptly register their interest.
For more information or to book an inspection of 2 Jetty Road, Glenelg, please contact Saxon Smith from Higher Commercial.
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