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Ground / 38 Currie Street, Adelaide SA 5000

250 m²

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Ground / 38 Currie Street, Adelaide SA 5000

250 m²

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Prominent Corner Venue in the Heart of Adelaide's Hospitality Scene

- 250 square metres* of prime restaurant tenancy area
- Newly fitted funky bar/hospitality premises with outdoor dining provisions
- Located on the corner of Peel Street and Currie Street - arguably Adelaide's most popular and successful hospitality precinct
- Equipped with restaurant fittings
- Located at the base of a commercial office tower
- Abundant natural light with two street frontages
- Mezzanine level included

Newly fitted and available for a range of hospitality uses, the Ground Floor of 38 Currie Street offers an outstanding opportunity for hospitality operators to capitalise on a newly fitted tenancy.

Cornering Currie Street and Peel Street, the tenancy is located in one of Adelaide's most successful hospitality laneways. The tenancy neighbours other distinguished retailers such as Peel St Restaurant, Bread & Bone, La Rambla, Therapy Bar, Clever Little Tailor, Paloma Bar and Pantry and more.

This corner offers outstanding levels of exposure to a variety of different audiences, from tourists to evening partygoers and daytime office workers.

We are seeking a new and experienced hospitality operator to take control of this iconic location.

For more information and to arrange an inspection of the Ground Floor of 38 Currie Street, Adelaide please contact Saxon Smith from Higher Commercial.


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