- 155 square metres*
- Fully-fitted with restaurant fixtures and fittings
- Including a full commercial kitchen, counter/bar, grease arrestor and gas connection
- Corner site with outstanding foot traffic and exposure
- Adelaide's most renowned nightlife precinct
- Rear laneway access and loading area
- Outdoor dining opportunities (subject to council approval)
79 Hindley Street, Adelaide presents an exciting opportunity in the heart of Hindley Street. This space previously hosted a restaurant and is located on a prime corner in the centre of Hindley Street alongside Cherry Nightclub and is opposite the Woolshed.
This unique opportunity not only grants you access to the cultural and nightlife hub of Adelaide but also offers the added bonus of a ready to go, light-filled, accessible shop-front, allowing you to reach your customers easily and to benefit from the foot traffic and exposure that the location has to offer.
We welcome all operators including retail, hospitality, service and office users to enquire.
For more information or to arrange an inspection of 79 Hindley Street, Adelaide please contact Saxon Smith from Higher Commercial on 0477 859 659 (RLA 323 903).
This advert contains information and imagery which is believed to be accurate based on Higher Commercial sources and/ or inspections of the property before or at the time of advertising. Prospective buyers or other parties should make their own inquiries about the validity and accuracy of this information and view the property before making any offers. Our privacy policy is available at www.highercommercial.com.au | RLA 323 903