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Contact Agent for Pricing Information

136 King WIlliam Road, Goodwood SA 5034

186 m²

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Contact Agent for Pricing Information

136 King WIlliam Road, Goodwood SA 5034

186 m²

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High Street Retail/Office

- 186 square metres*
- Polished concrete flooring
- Changerooms, kitchenette and rear office area
- Light-filled with front and side windows
- Outstanding retail or office tenancy
- Affordable asking rental

Situated in the heart of the high street at a time when King William Road is in a period of dramatic upward transition, 136 King William Road, Goodwood is a prime tenancy with an array of attractive features.

The tenancy is fitted with a polished concrete floor and changerooms, which may be utilised or removed by a new operator. The tenancy has a large, attractive shopfront with multiple windows running down the side ensuring abundant natural light throughout the length of the space.

Suitable for retailers and office users, we are encouraging all interested parties to promptly register their interest for this attractive tenancy. For more information or to book an inspection of 136 King William Road, Goodwood, please contact Saxon Smith from Higher Commercial (RLA 323 903).


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