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69 / 155 Brebner Drive, West Lakes SA 5021

342 m²

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69 / 155 Brebner Drive, West Lakes SA 5021

342 m²

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Luxury Waterfront Commercial Tenancy

- 342 square metres*
- Available as a whole or divided to suit individual requirements
- Multiple on-site car parking spaces and customer car parking
- Fitted with gas connection and grease arrestor
- Ideal for restaurant/hospitality operators, retailers, or office users
- Dedicated outdoor dining area facing the water
- Stunning waterfront outlook
- Located opposite Westfield West Lakes

The only available tenancy of its kind in the Infinity Apartments Luxury development on Brebner Drive, 69/155 Brebner Drive, West Lakes is an outstanding opportunity to secure a rare waterfront tenancy in a prominent western-suburbs location.

Offering a 270-degree glass outlook, this light-filled space offers a number of attractive features and is suitable for a wide range of restaurant, cafe, retail and office uses.

The tenancy is available in its entirety or combined to suit individual requirements and the owner will work proactively to accommodate long-term tenants.

For more information or to book an inspection of 69/155 Brebner Drive, West Lakes, please contact Saxon Smith from Higher Commercial (RLA 323 903).


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